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Castle Paradox
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 1) 17 hits
+15 Ends of the Earth 2 by Valkayree
 2) 2 hits
+2 Mynorety Whispers: Not in the Face by Rimudora
+2 ReadNPC Bug by Gizmog1
+1 Final Fantasy H by Fenrir-Lunaris
+2 Granasty Maze by Onlyoneinall
Review List
Ska-Drummer Man RPG
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 1 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: C
"A good game, needs improvement in certain areas, but then again, this is a demo, and lot's of demos change over time. I hope this one does as well."
Frankfurter's Quest For Soap
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 0 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: C-
"This game is alright. Just alright. The graphics and music are what make it what it is... alright..."
Ferocity of the Saiyans!
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 0 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: F
"Don't ever work in this town again... Just kidding. Try to use your talents into consideration of the players, and work on graphics more."
Time Flies
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 2 hours and 00 minutes
Overall: A
"Trully one of the best games I have played in a long time, on any system."
Crabs Quest
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 20 minutes
Overall: F+
"Cool intro...Short game... Weird plot... Enough said... hehehe. Although, an overall makeover wouldn't hurt."
Legend of Cale
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 4 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: B+
"Keep up the good work. Even though this is an old game, keep up your hard work, it really shows and pays off."
Champagne Challenge
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 2 hours and minutes
Overall: D-
"Try working on a team with someone, so some of their good habits will rub off on you and your game making skills. This game has potential, just try to make it better in the areas I mentioned and it could be deserving of a better grade."
ARFENHOUSE!!!1 #!!!!!!!
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 1 hours and 10 minutes
Overall: B+
"Kids are getting drugs earlier and earlier in the generations, and this game is a prime example of that."
Help Wanted (48hrs)
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 20 minutes
Overall: B+
"Momma mia! Almost a perfecta! Mwah!"
Adventures of Billy the Gnome
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 30+ minutes
Overall: F
"Reminds me of a certain one eyed triangle... Without all the homosexual assault discrimination..."
Rampaging Guinea Pig (48hours entry)
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 6 minutes
Overall: D+
"Puzzle games are showing they can rival the OHR's infinite RPG list! And this game and a few others are showing that more and more!"
Santa Goes Extreme By Snodrvr And
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 7 minutes
Overall: B
"Jingle bells, Santa wants revenge. He hates the kids whove been bad and wants to praise the kids are good in this neighborhood, Hey! Hehe."
Mormon Mission
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 15+ minutes
Overall: A
"Sickening... Repulsive... But all around... hilarious!"
Robot Game
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 1 minutes
Overall: F-
"Trully a game that had a lot of potential..."
Pitch Black
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 20 minutes
Overall: A
"Scared of the dark? Too bad. Get off your ass or err... sit on your ass and play this game, it's good and you'll enjoy it or you get your money back! Wait... there's no money. Ah hell, download it and try it."
kill the seagulls
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 5 minutes
Overall: F
"Good concept... Poor game..."
Curse of Dracula, The
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 30+ minutes
Overall: B-
"1,2,3,4. Find Dracula's body and SMASH! HULK SMASH! Oops, wrong game. Check this out, it's a cool experience."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 1 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: D+
"Try this game out if you like dodging buggy glitches and then fighting near impossible enimies with some of the crappiest formats of battles you'll ever see... Oh, and let's not forget that one cool part. Heh..."
Crescent Dream
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 1 hours and minutes
Overall: A+
"James Paige would be proud... If you don't download this game then, you will miss perphaps the greatest game on CP or made on the OHR."
Billy's Lost Soap
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 5 minutes
Overall: F-
"Oh man... Just because there were only 48 Hours to make the game, doesn't mean it's entries have to be this awful..."
Nordomin: Call of the Elements
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 1 hours and 30+ minutes
Overall: D+
"If you like to read, play this game. If you don't then... well, okay find another game."
Final Fantasy H-2
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 2+ hours and minutes
Overall: C+
"Final Fantasy H-2 has a different mood from it's popular prelude, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't check this out. It's actually a good game and good way to spend your time. With the exception of a few scripts this is one of Fen's great games."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and minutes
Overall: C
"The game has good things going for it. And some bad. A very average game with some great things you will definitely enjoy!"
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 2+ hours and minutes
Overall: C-
"If there was ever a game to rival Arfenhouse's madness and mayhem, then this would be it for sure."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 10+ minutes
Overall: B
"Fixing those bugs oughta be no problem with such good plotscripters nowadays. And if we are lucky enough we might just see a full length game out of this with tons of levels and super cool bosses (THAT SHOOT BACK!)"
Crystal Globe, The
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 1+ minutes
Overall: F+
"A game that shows potential. Unfortunately it is potential Shadowiii claims he will never use on this game."
Demon's Wrath
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 30+ minutes
Overall: D
"This game is incomplete yes, but to see a decent way to establish story check this out. It shows all the ways of going about getting a character from Point A to Point B, without skipping the stuff in between."
Final Fantasy R
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 3+ hours and minutes
Overall: D
"Old and crummy yes? But nice to see how far Final Fantasy H has come along."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 10 minutes
Overall: F
"This game is one of those games you'd play to see how far a game maker has gone, not how he's doing now."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 3+ hours and minutes
Overall: B
"Definitely worth your time. If not for the game, but to see one of the many things the OHR is capable of."
Dimensions I
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 30+ minutes
Overall: C
"I've seen better, but for the limited amount of what's here, it's decent. Worth a look at, but not worth a replaying."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 8+ hours and minutes
Overall: A+
"This is the Lord Of The Rings of the OHR. An epic to be enjoyed by all. "
Deer Hunter XTREME
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 2 minutes
Overall: D+
"A good way to spend a couple minutes. But unless you like repitition and simple gameplay it will only be played for a couple minutes."
Hentai Quest: Tuesday Edition
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 1+ minutes
Overall: F-
"The name of the contest says the name of this game all over it."
OHR Arena
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 3+ hours and minutes
Overall: C
"OHR Arena is definitely a game that is a challenge. Go try it if you want one."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 35 minutes
Overall: C+
"This game is fresh and although not the best game out there, it is fun."
Seventh Day, The
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 2 hours and -- minutes
Overall: B-
"Trully an accomplishment for it's time frame. Definitely worth your time."
Moogle Quest
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 15 minutes
Overall: C-
"A very clever game with some neat aspects of the OHR that were amusing even when the OHR was new."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 21 minutes
Overall: C-
"It's visually entertaining, but that's all I give it. Check it out if you wonna see good graphics and a developing story."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 30+ minutes
Overall: A-
"A game that has surpassed Arfenhouse by so much. A must play OHR game."
Deleted Game
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 10x9 minutes
Overall: A
"An OHR Classic has been born."
Timestream Saga Second Edition
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 2+ hours and minutes
Overall: A
"A demo that keeps you wanting more! Finish this masterpiece Fenrir!"
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: 3+ hours and minutes
Overall: B-
"The stuff sequels are made from."
Winterfold : Revenge of the samurai
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 5 minutes
Overall: D-
"Not my choice game for 2004, but hey, you may like it."
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 1-3 minutes
Overall: C
"It isn't Walthros, which is PHC's best area, however it is a pleasant game to play that isn't as serious as the other ones out there."
Shadowiii vs Santa Barbara Airport DX
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 5+ minutes
Overall: C-
"Not as good as Shadowiii's previous joke game(s), but this is certainly a game to check out."
ignore, download khfan15's version
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 15 minutes
Overall: A+
"Week One-Meet the new cast!"
ignore, download khfan15's version
Reviewed by RedMaverickZero
Playtime: hours and 13 minutes
Overall: A+
"Week Two - The arrogant CN"

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