Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 1 hours and 0 minutes
Overall: B-
"Metomorphosis is a game that everyone should play at least once. Its interesting to see the larger NPCs, and fun to ram your fist through some imp's skull. But once you beat it, study the code, and wish you could do that, you'll probably delete it. "
Ecopia:Shadow on Perrep
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 15 hours and 0 minutes
Overall: B+
"Ecopia: Shadow on Perrip took a step in OHR making. It's cutscenes and movies alone make the game worth the download, as well as the fact that it isn't a "spacebar smasher." The battles actually make you think, which is something very few OHR games manage to accomplish. Too bad Herp suspended work on this game, because with just a few more touch-ups this could become an OHR great. "
ARFENHOUSE!!!1 #!!!!!!!
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 5 hours and minutes
Overall: A+
"Hero Yuy sucks. So does Squall. And so does Joe, because he's dead."
Time Flies
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 3 hours and 0 minutes
Overall: A
"Time flies like an eagle, fruit flies like a banana. "
Blackened early version: UPGRADE v2
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: F
"Final Fantasy 6's tilemaps deserve better."
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 15-30 minutes
Overall: C
"Where is the robot-snowman who eats you? Oh that only happens to you when you SKI. Gotcah. "
Final Fantasy H
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 10 hours and 0 minutes
Overall: C+
"This game has already become one of the most popular games in OHR history, and this review can't change that. However, I think its lasting value will only be for a few months, contrary to years. This won't live on like Memoria, Monterey Penguin, Walthros, or Ends of the Earth, simply because it has too many flaws.
Graphics don't make the game. Gameplay makes a game"
Adventures of Powerstick Man, The
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 20+ hours and 00 minutes
Overall: A+
"This game is, hands down, the single best use of dialogue I have ever seen on the OHR. The storytelling of Pepsi Ranger is simply stunning. He creates a world that is interesting, fun, and semi-realistic (as realistic as a comic-book world can be). The only major problems are the graphics and the tedious battles. But it still is one of my favorite OHR games of all time, and probably will be for a good while.
Well done, Pepsi Ranger, you've created a masterpiece. Now finish it! "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 20 minutes
Overall: F
"This game was released too early. Its a collection of many undone and unpolished pieces, and thus, is just a big mess. And if I EVER see a Linkin Park cameo in a game again, I may be forced to burn my computer and make crosses over it. "
Partisan Legacy I
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 2-3 hours and 00 minutes
Overall: C-
"One of the best "first" games I've ever played. It is obvious there was a lot of effort put in and an decent amount of planing. If Minnek keep up this determination and hard-work he'll have a great game on his hands in no time. "
Monterey Penguin
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 2-3 hours and minutes
Overall: A-
"A game every OHR player or creator should try out, just to know their "roots" and experience an old classic. Great game, though it does burn out near the end. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 10+ hours and minutes
Overall: B+
"If you like battles, you'll love this game. If you like battles a LOT, you'll worship this game. If you like battles MORE THAN FOOD, you have deep problems and need to consult a therapist. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 20 minutes
Overall: C+
"Cute game. A nice breather from the dark distruction games usually churned out of the OHR engine. Play it once, spend a few minutes taking a nice break from the mainstream, then go back to saving the world from inevitable distruction. "
Harlock & Rinku's 'Bill's Never Go West'
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 5 minutes
Overall: D
"Bill's "Never Go West" is a fantastically funny OHR game. This game, however, is quite the opposite. Leaving you without any sense of fulfillment at the end, rather, leaving you feeling worse off then when you began, this game is simply not fun. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: B-
"This game has the worst battles I have ever seen in an OHR game to date. They are unbalanced, have a poor abilities selection, and are certainly not beautiful looking. However, this game's amazing story makes up for them and more. Get your hands on this game and play it as soon as possible. The longest it will take you is 30 minutes (maybe less if you cheat), and it might teach you a thing or two about good about writing a unique story for a game. Fix the few things I commented on, and this game will easily get an A. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 3 hours and -- minutes
Overall: B+
"Trick or Treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!
Magnus Prologue
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 8 minutes
Overall: C
"I am Hercil not Hercol. Arrrr Guards"
Blow Up (48 hour)
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 1.5-30 minutes
Overall: C+
"They should call this game "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inducer" if you ask me. "
Mormon Mission
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 10 minutes
Overall: F+
"Sick? Yes. Dirty? Undoubtably. Profane? Extreme. Funny? No. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 1-2 hours and -- minutes
Overall: A
"You'll swear this game was professionally made. Addicting, upbeat, balanced, and fun, this game rocks. Don't let the bad graphics turn you away, this game is by all means a keeper. Get it, and enjoy hours of fun. "
Pac Man OHR
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 5 minutes
Overall: D
"A decent little game. Download if you are bored and want to spend three to five minutes playing this game then deleting it. Not bad considering the limited resources, but not wonderful either. "
Curse of Dracula, The
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: too many hours and --- minutes
Overall: D+
"Picasso's blue era has nothing on this. "I'm blue da do de da do di..", ok I killed the joke. Funny game, difficult battles, long experience. You have been warned. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 1-5 minutes
Overall: F-
"DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS GAME AT ANY COST. Not only is it a cruddy game in general, but doing so will support this author's shamless stealing of James Paige's work. "
Blu Eternal
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 1 hours and 00 minutes
Overall: B
"It is a beautiful game graphically, but there isn't much else here. Be sure to grab an Audio CD before you play this game. Download it to see some gorgeous graphics, but don't expect for any exciting gameplay or story. "
Crescent Dream
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 20 minutes
Overall: A+
"This is the start of what could very well become one of the greatest games in OHR history. Beautiful graphics, engrossing characters, a unique yet simple gameplay, and decently placed music set this demo up among the elite. Even though it is short, get this game. It is professional grade. Perfect score. "
An IMD Anthology
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 10 max minutes
Overall: B-
"Buy now, before supplies run out! The special collectors edition features...well, three games. Sure they are all stupid, but they are certainly funny enough to merit a download. What are you waiting for? Get it! "
Robot Game
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 1-2 minutes
Overall: D
"For the few seconds it is, it isn't horrible. Considering it is under 20kb, you can't really waste your time downloading it. So why not, play it. But this one isn't nearly as fulfulling as Gilbert's other games. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 5 minutes
Overall: F
"This game is both funny and retarded, but more of the latter. Don't take it seriously, or you won't enjoy it. For the five minutes it is, it is a decent five minutes. I won't say whether it merits a download or can decide for yourself. "
Magnus 17: Off De Edge of Dis Pair (Of Edges)
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 2-3 hours and -- minutes
Overall: C+
"Decent. A Director's Cut will most likely make this game be much better. Get it to see an original story that certainly breaks the mold, even if it does end rather shabby. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 2 hours and -- minutes
Overall: A-
"A simply hilarious OHR game. Get it, now, and prepare to laugh for a long time. "
Deer Hunter XTREME
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 1-2 minutes
Overall: C-
"If you hate/love hunting games (which basically translates into "everyone"), then you should get this game. It is quite a unique game, to say the least, and has quite a bit of humor to back it up. Go ahead, blow up that dumb rabbit with a bazooka. Get it for a quick game, then delete it. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: ~1 hours and -- minutes
Overall: C
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: too many hours and many more minutes
Overall: D+
""well it was an adventure...and kinda shitty" - Battleblaze.
Never have truer words been spoken. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 4-5 hours and -- minutes
Overall: F+
Way of the Warrior (Final!), The
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: too hours and many minutes
Overall: F-
"It gets my vote for "worst game in the awful game contest." Too bad it wasn't an entree."
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 3 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: A
"An excellent game, just do your best not to be scared away by the difficult battles and tedious puzzles. I can assure you, though, that it is worth the wait to make it to the end. "
By the Seventh Book
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: B+
"My choice for the best game in the Human Day Contest '03. Don't judge it harshly because its a contest game...this game tells a great story and it tells it well. "
Project `C`
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 1 hours and 00 minutes
Overall: C
"" 'C' is for cookie, that's good enough for me...""
Deleted Game
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 5 minutes
Overall: A-
Deleted Game
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 5 minutes
Overall: C
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 1 minutes
Overall: D
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: D+
"After you play episode one, you might as well quit. Though there are a few funny parts after that, they are to few and far between to go searching for. "
Katamari Damacy OHR
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 1 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: C
"Good start, needs some serious polishing. Also, don't play this game if you are under age 18...though by saying that probably every 12 year old within walking distance will now download and play it. >_<"
Gamemaster's Citadel, The
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 15 minutes
Overall: F-
"A horrible OHR game. Complete garbage. But it is probably the first Furry OHR game..."
Ends of the Earth
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 3-6 hours and minutes
Overall: A-
"An epic that will surely last until the Ends of the Earth. "
Ends of the Earth 2
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 3-6 hours and 0 minutes
Overall: A+
"This is quite possibly the greatest OHR-RPG of all time. Get it, and see that the OHR can indeed be used to make professional quality games. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 5 minutes
Overall: D+
"For being made in around 24 hours, it is quite good. However, there isn't really that much in this. If you are trying to script a double-npc script, you might want to have a look-see. If you aren't, there isn't really anything here for you to investigate. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 1 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: A+
"A great game, and so far it hasn't gotten old. The battles are unique and fun, the story rocks your face off, and the soundtrack is very nice. The only downer is the graphics, but we don't judge games by graphics here, right?
Get it. Highly recommended. "
Put on Shoes - Limited Edition Box Set *SOLD OUT*
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 239 hours and 48 minutes
Overall: A+
"How many can YOU put on?"
Wow, this is Awesome
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 1 minutes
Overall: A-
"Wow, this game really is awesome!"
Super Concentration Headache Master Pro
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 97 hours and 26 minutes
Overall: A
"Aspirin, please. "
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 20 minutes
Overall: C
"If you can beat the racing minigame, then there might be something here for you. However, if you can't beat it after say, the third time, just give it up. It IS still just a 48 hour game after all. :P"
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 15 minutes
Overall: D+
"A decent piece of history, but outdated none-the-less."
Reviewed by Shadowiii
Playtime: 0 hours and 10-20 minutes
Overall: A
"8-bit goodness! Certainly worth your time, and it's only 23kb. Get it, and enjoy a few minutes of pleasure out of your ordinarily mundane, humdrum life."