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The Epic Soundtrack Thread?

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Joined: 31 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:50 am    Post subject: The Epic Soundtrack Thread? Reply with quote

NOTE: This is primarily for my reference, but I'm open to suggestions.

Names in Parenthesis for MIDIs are the sequencer as credited on
Names in Parenthesis for MP3s are the developing company for the source game.

  1. Labyrinth 12 O'Clock (Uncredited) - Castle Agavi
  2. Empty Slot (area) - Shrine of Seals
  3. Empty Slot (area) - Flamberge Road
  4. FFA Dwarf Cave (Freddie) - Mining Camp
  5. Sonic 3D Blast Volcano Valley Ambient Magma (Teck) - Lower Silent Mine
  6. Sonic 3D Blast Volcano Valley Cool Magma (Rael0505) - Upper Silent Mine
  7. Empty Slot (area) - Summersun Road
  8. Empty Slot (area) - Stone Cliffs
  9. Empty Slot (area) - Tower of the Sky
  10. Elecman Pop-Rock (Mark Richardson) - Inner Electoid Fortress
  11. Elecman (Blue Badger) - Outer Electoid Fortress
  12. Empty Slot (bonus) - Secret Workshop
  13. Empty Slot (area) - Thunderhead Road
  14. Centaurman Fulminant (Saffith) - Pumpkin Woods
  15. Cenaturman Headbanger (Mark Richardson) - Deepgreen Forest
  16. Empty Slot (bonus) - Wild Green Forest
  17. Empty Slot (area) - South Shore Road
  18. Bonk's Adventure NES 1-1 (Sketch Man) - Shale Beach
  19. Empty Slot (area) - Pirate Ship
  20. The Immortal NES Lair of the Norlac (Timothy Peters) - Kraken's Lair
  21. Empty Slot (area) - Galian Cliffs
  22. Empty Slot (area) - Sky Road A, Sky Road B
  23. Empty Slot (area) - Artica Fields
  24. Kirby's Dreamland Lololo Arranged (Jace) - Odyne's Castle
  25. Kirby's Dreamland Lololo (Swordbolt) - Rosita's Tower
  26. Castlevania 1 Stage 2 (Uncredited) - Lunar Ruins
  27. Castlevania 1 Stage 2 (Tsu Ryu) - Deeper Lunar Ruins
  28. Belmont's Revenge Final Rondo (Tsu Ryu, Takeuchi Yuka) - Ancient Courtyard
  29. Belmont's Revenge Boss Level 2 (Manuel Sarmiento) - Anita's Stronghold
  30. SMB Castle Deranged Oni (The Minstrel) - Darkened Shrine of Seals
  31. Little Nemo Dream Master Dream 8 Orchestral (Anthony Bellissimo) - Galian Tower
  32. Little Nemo Dream Master Dream 8 (Budai) - Everted Galian Tower
  33. Scheherazade Chapter 5 (Amber Ritchie) - Purified Shrine of Seals
  34. Link's Awakening Tal Tal Ascension (The Minstrel) - Fang Avenue
  35. Link's Awakening Tal Tal Rock (James Flight) - Ryama
  36. Empty Slot (bonus) - Grey Ash Hamlet
  37. Empty Slot (area) - Ruby Swamp
  38. MOTHER Mount Itoi (Cleveland Rock) - Final Tower
  39. Ducktales The Moon Space Opera Remix (Mark Jensen Glazius Falconar) - Credits
  40. Guilty Gear Isuka Game Over (Sammy Corporation) - Victory
  41. Shaq Fu Game Over (Electronic Arts) - Game Over
  42. Original Composition (Title Screen) - Title Screen
  43. Zelda 2 Battle Orchestrated (Asa Lothario) - Common Battle
  44. 3D Worldrunner Boss (Electric Concerto) - Uncommon Battle
  45. 1943 Level 1 (JILost) - Rare Battle
  46. Life Force Boss Arranged XG (Lutarez) - Plot Battle
  47. CVBR Road To Enemy (Jay Reichard) - Chapter Midboss
  48. CVBR Boss Battle (Jay Reichard) - Chapter Boss
  49. Castlevania Stage 3 Jazzy (Faheem Hawkins) - Vashirden
  50. Earthbound Pokey Means Business (Blue Warrior) - Monochromus #1-4
  51. Empty Slot (bonus) - Dreaming of The Three
  52. Empty Slot (bonus) - Megatank
  53. Empty Slot (bonus) - Dragon Sky
  54. Empty Slot (bonus) - Soki
  55. MOTHER 3 King Pokey's Theme (Cyber Buddha) - Monochromus #5
  56. FF7 Jenova Black Mages (Goat Hair) - Mindspace Phantoms
  57. Perfect Cherry Blossom Stage 6 Boss (Gyana Ren) - Final Boss

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