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Castle Paradox
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        Deleted Game by JSH357
        ARFENHOUSE!!!1 #!!!!!!! by Misteroo
        Rise of the Dragon Slayers by Stargames Software
        Ends of the Earth by Valkayree
        Final Fantasy H by Fenrir-Lunaris
Review List
ARFENHOUSE!!!1 #!!!!!!!
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 3 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: A
An IMD Anthology
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 0-1 hours and 0-59 minutes
Overall: B
"A classic collection of OHR Greats that the whole family can enjoy(Well, the retarted children and gay uncles, at least.)"
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 4 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: A
"The scene where HOUSEMASTER!!11 uh... 'EZSEXZES' GOOD KITTY!!11 actually made me groan.. 0_o

Er... I guess I'm not into furs?"
Final Fantasy H
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 7 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: D
"Not what it's cracked up to be. The name "Final Fantasy" is probably what makes it so attractive, to be honest."
Ancient Warriors
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 0 hours and 10 minutes
Overall: F+
"Not worth playing in its present state. With heavy editing, it could
be a good game, but as it is, Eternal Warriors is not much of a game."
Grand Theft Auto H: Night City
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: Varies hours and Varies minutes
Overall: D-
"Check it out. You probably won't want to play it for too long since
there isn't much to do yet. I've played much worse games, but this
game does need a serious overhaul to be considered an OHR great."
Autumn Dream (demo)
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 0 hours and 25 minutes
Overall: D+
"Worth a playthrough if you have nothing else to do, but otherwise, this
game isn't ready to be played seriously quite yet."
Neo Krysta
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 1 hours and 0 minutes
Overall: D-
"Not horrible, but not necessarily good."
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: hours and 30 minutes
Overall: F-
"Abysmal. One of the worst "games" ever made."
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 1 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: B-
"Bliss is an interesting game that is worth playing once or twice. It's short and sweet, like Gary Coleman."
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: hours and 55 minutes
Overall: B-
"Play it and move on- it's fun, but ultimately too incomplete. It needs an update."
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 3 hours and 30 minutes
Overall: F
"Don't bother with this game. It isn't really any good; you might as well just play the first one since it will waste less time."
Pitch Black
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: hours and 35 minutes
Overall: A-
"Light and tasty! Pitch Black is a definite must-play, especially for people who like adventure games. Plus, Julia is hot..."
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 1 hours and 45 minutes
Overall: A
"One of the funniest games available to the OHR Community, and worth playing- but play the original and Totally Gihern first!"
Legend of Zelda Sword of Gods (More stuff Update), The
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: hours and 10 minutes
Overall: F-
"Read Uncommon's review for another peek, or just stay far away.
Don't Push The Button 2003 Redux
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 96 hours and 54 minutes
Overall: A
"Can YOU not push the button?"
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: hours and minutes
Overall: B
"This is a very enjoyable and interesting game. I hope that Surlaw makes a sequel/hardtype. because I'd really love to play it. I highly recommend playing this game if you haven't already, and if you have not finished it, I recommend doing so."
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 96 hours and 555 minutes
Overall: B
"Don't pass this up."
Final Fantasi XXX
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 0 hours and .25 minutes
Overall: F-
"Hot hentai right here! Play it now!"
Bug on the Wall
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 0 hours and 1 minutes
Overall: F-
"Don't do drugs, kids."
Sword of Jade: Parallel Dreams
Reviewed by JSH357
Playtime: 16 hours and 0 minutes
Overall: B-
"Impressive, even though it's marred by some obnoxious directorial decisions."

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