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Castle Paradox
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    1) Discontinued game by FnrrfYgmSchnish
    2) 8-Bit Graphics Set by FnrrfYgmSchnish
    3) Spoonweaver by Spoon Weaver
    4) Bok's Expedition by FnrrfYgmSchnish
    5) Vore Day RPG by Ronin Catholic
Kizul's Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest Map Test v.2.0
Kizul Emeraldfire
Game is in demo stage
Download: 220 KB Added Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:35 am
Total Download count: 266
Number of reviews: 0
Average Grade: N/A
Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 4.0000
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Believe it or not, I was spurred into making this by a page on the O.H.R.RPG.C.E. WiKi, the question being ‘How can I make a world map where the player just presses a key and the hero walks to another place on the map?’. Well, here's that person's answer! :D

You may be wondering, “But wait… this is version 2.0! What happened to 1.0?”
Well, I'll tell you. I was really wanting to answer this guy's question, so I made the file, topped it with a ton of plotscripts for moving around and creating the nifty flashy-arrows that FF:MQ (or Mystic Quest Legend in Europe) had on the map, but then I ran into a problem: how do I make the hero enter towns and things without using NPCs or doors? So, version 1.0 went to a forum thread, and now that I figured it out, you all get the nice, shiney, brand-new, never-been-opened Verision 2.0, now with a town-entering feature!

There are, however, a couple of bugs that I found. Those bugs are in the readme file that's in the zip file. Actually, a lot of this should be in there, too, but I'm lazy. :3

Anyways, enjoy this example, and make some games with it! I want to know what you'll come up with! :D

…oh, and about the title screen… yeah. Sorry it looks so bad. It's more for function than for looks, I'm afraid… :3

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