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Castle Paradox
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    1) Sword of Jade: Parallel Dreams reviewed by JSH357
    2) Vikings Of Midgard reviewed by MirceaKitsune
    3) Bug on the Wall reviewed by JSH357
    4) Tightfloss Maiden reviewed by yhposolihP
    5) A Blank Mind reviewed by Dorumagesu
Neo Krysta
Realmsoft Interactive America
This is the final version
Download: 851 KB Added Sat Feb 01, 2003 8:23 pm
Total Download count: 1163
Number of reviews: 1
Average Grade: D-
Number of ratings: 3
Average rating: 1.0000
Your rating:
Description [-]
UPDATE: Bug Test Release updated on May 2002!!!
The very first of the Neo Krysta Saga! A dark tale of a man trying to rediscover his past 17 years after the planet was impacted by what was said to be a meteor, but was it?
Join Flint on his journey where he will discover a plot by the Time Lord to destroy all life on Krystallion, and find that he will fight his accursed destiny to protect all creation from extinction!

Rated: TEEN 13+
Contains: Animated Blood,
Animated Violence

NOTE: Sorry it took so long to get this up, it had a lot of bugs that needed to be exterminated!
Enjoy the Neo Krysta Saga with its first story!

Download Stats [+]

Review # 1
  Reviewed by JSH357
  Playtime: 1 hours and 0 minutes
  Overall: D-
  "Not horrible, but not necessarily good."

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