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Castle Paradox
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Final Fantasi XXX-2
This is the final version
Added Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:52 pm
Total Download count: 0
Number of reviews: 0
Average Grade: N/A
Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 0.0000
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Description [-]
Imagine the worst game ever. Now imagine it even worse than that by an unimaginable factor of infinity. That's what this game is.

Yes, it's much worse than the original. It's more repeative than an MMORPG, has dialogue written by a fetus, the graphics make the original look like a work of art and the music deafens you but leaves a screatching in your ears for the rest of your life.

The violence makes Sin City look like the Care Bears and the sex is worse than the entire internet's archive of porn. Unless you like either of those- then it's totally the opposite. Yes, this game is customized to suit whatever you hate the most.

But it's even worse than that.

No, I'm not even uploading it because it's too bad for you to handle- just use your imagination.

Made for the terrible games contest iteration-whatever-fen-is-calling-it-this-time.

(Credit where credit is due, this is a blatlant rip off of Gil's magnificent Airship 2600)

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