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Castle Paradox
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    1) Sword of Jade: Parallel Dreams reviewed by JSH357
    2) Vikings Of Midgard reviewed by MirceaKitsune
    3) Bug on the Wall reviewed by JSH357
    4) Tightfloss Maiden reviewed by yhposolihP
    5) A Blank Mind reviewed by Dorumagesu
Game is in demo stage
Download: 269 KB Updated Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:44 am
Total Download count: 367
Number of reviews: 1
Average Grade: D
Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 1.0000
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Description [-]
Save the planet before it freezes!

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Review # 1
  Reviewed by Onlyoneinall
  Playtime: 0 hours and 15 minutes
  Overall: D
  "It was a short 15 minute play. I didn't feel the game robbed my time, but I didn't feel it made it worth the time either."

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