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Castle Paradox
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Custom Battle Demo *Version 1.1*
Game is in demo stage
Download: 281 KB Updated Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:25 am
Total Download count: 765
Number of reviews: 1
Average Grade: B
Number of ratings: 0
Average rating: N/A
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Description [-]
This is a DEMO of a custom battle design I am working on. This is soley for people to test and report any bugs or suggestions they may find. Please read the readme file that comes with the game.

Anyone who reports a bug or suggests a suggestion that I use will be credited for at the end of the game.

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Review # 1
  Reviewed by RPGrealm5
  Playtime: 0 hours and 45 minutes
  Overall: B
  "I look forward to seeing more of this battle system. Great job, *Worthy*"

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