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Castle Paradox
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    1) Discontinued game by FnrrfYgmSchnish
    2) 8-Bit Graphics Set by FnrrfYgmSchnish
    3) Spoonweaver by Spoon Weaver
    4) Bok's Expedition by FnrrfYgmSchnish
    5) Vore Day RPG by Ronin Catholic
Blow Up (48 hour)
This is the final version
Download: 695 KB Added Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:09 am
Total Download count: 639
Number of reviews: 1
Average Grade: C+
Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 3.4000
Your rating:
Description [-]
Blow Up was created for the 2003 48 hour contest. I made it after I started getting fed up with low-paced games. This game turned out a lot better than I expected and is still fun for me. I've gotten very good feedback on this project and have decided to persue it to it's completion. I've started work on the full version of Blow Up. I can't tell you when to expect it, just expect it.

Download Stats [+]

Review # 1
  Reviewed by Shadowiii
  Playtime: 0 hours and 1.5-30 minutes
  Overall: C+
  "They should call this game "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Inducer" if you ask me. "

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