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Castle Paradox
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    1) Sword of Jade: Parallel Dreams reviewed by JSH357
    2) Vikings Of Midgard reviewed by MirceaKitsune
    3) Bug on the Wall reviewed by JSH357
    4) Tightfloss Maiden reviewed by yhposolihP
    5) A Blank Mind reviewed by Dorumagesu
Astroboy: ARMAGEDDON...or something like that
Game is in demo stage
Download: 350 KB Added Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:33 pm
Total Download count: 380
Number of reviews: 3
Average Grade: C+
Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 2.0000
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From O:OHR

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Review # 1
  Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
  Playtime: hours and minutes
  Overall: D+
  "A typical newbie game, enjoy it for what it is."
Review # 2
  Reviewed by Dalaran
  Playtime: hours and minutes
  Overall: B-
  "This game is quite funny, but if you don't "get it" then don't get it (the game). (Short game)"
Review # 3
  Reviewed by BT Rhodus
  Playtime: hours and minutes
  Overall: B+
  "If you like to have a laugh and don't think an RPG needs to be serious give this a shot.If you aren't like this give it a shot anyway.You might be surprised."

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