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Castle Paradox
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GundamSigma RPG
Frank Orozco (The Owl)
Game is in demo stage
Download: 851 KB Added Sat Feb 01, 2003 8:23 pm
Total Download count: 479
Number of reviews: 2
Average Grade: D
Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 0.0000
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Description [-]
As of 10-24-2001, this game has been renamed to RanziorSigma. It is in the process of being updated, and hopefully to the third chapter/saga/enemy, Niofalfe. Go to RanziorSigma.

Download Stats [+]

Review # 1
  Reviewed by Chaos Nyte
  Playtime: hours and minutes
  Overall: F-
  "Though I still have a sneaking suspicion that I did something wrong, there's no way I intend to play this thing again."
Review # 2
  Reviewed by SilverWolf
  Playtime: hours and minutes
  Overall: C+
  "Sigma isn't a bad RPG, then again it's not a good RPG either. If the Xi battle is made easier then the game would be a lot more fun. Download this game if you have some spare time."

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