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Castle Paradox
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 1) 5 hits
+5 Armored Devil by BlastedEarth
 2) 4 hits
+4 Gauntlets of the Dragon by Scython reaper
+4 Erabound by Mezase Master
 3) 3 hits
+3 Final Fantasy H by Fenrir-Lunaris
+3 Trailblazers by Retrogamer
The Comet of the Dragon
This is the final version
Added Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:08 pm
Total Download count: 0
Number of reviews: 0
Average Grade: N/A
Number of ratings: 0
Average rating: N/A
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Description [-]
I'm sorry but this game project has been terminated, the plan was too long and the story became over complicated, I appoligise for any inconvinience, if you still want to play it feel free but you can only play it up to the ogre forest. Again i appoligise.

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